Well I forgot to mention my health news. The main reason for this blog! I'm at a stage where I have been on the homeopathy treatment for almost 7 months now. Improvements .... well havent had any so far. But the fact is that my physical condition is way better than the early years of DM. But the high cpk & liver enzyme level is still a concern. Last time I checked cpk was around 507 & sgpt & sgot too were almost twice the normal range. Two months before that cpk was 336 & liver enzymes were slightly higher than normal. The doc told me there will be variations , but soon it will come within normal limits.
My views on my current homeopathy doc:
The thing with this new doc is, He is considered to be one of the best docs in the country in homeopathy. With amazing clinical success. He has treated a person with Dermatomyositis before. That patient had undergone treatment under the same rheumatologist, he had even gone out of the country to Los Angles for treatment. But was brought into remission under the treatment of this doctor. I had a chat with him once & he said it took about 2 years of treatment. So okay , I'm in no hurry. Ten years with DM has taught me to be patient!
I know most people might consider this as too long. But the fact remains I'm in a very good physical condition with very few limitations like slightly lower stamina, difficulties with hot weather(which I think even ppl w/o DM face) , elevated blood counts, irritation of skin,calcinosis,skin problems when exposed to sun for longtime,etc...But are nothing compared to what I had early on. Some of these problem might be even bcoz of the highly stressful times we are facing these days. But I DONOT want to start steriods, methotrexate or any other drugs with their awful side effects. It really pi**es me off.
Something about my previous homeopathy doc :
Also my previous homeopathy doctor's assistant had called. She asked me if I could provide a letter saying he has treated me in the past & had a positive effect. They wanted it to get some government grant. I have very good things to say about him. He was like a God person for me during my wheel chair bound days. Of all people(rheumy,derm,neurologists,gp) he was the only one who was confident that I would be able to walk within few months. You see my condition was pretty bad when I met him. Bedridden, not enough stamina to even sit down, big liver problem,...But with his medicine I was cured of the liver problem within a month. Even though I was on steriods, I'm pretty sure his medicine had a good effect on me. Since 3 months of steriods had simple helped me to start swallowing things & just about sit for few minutes in my bed.
Finally I cant say enough of this, but important not to forget what they have done for me, the few persons who made it possible for me to recover from the dm incident in 1997...My family, physio therapist(been a mentor for me all these years) , my earlier homeopathy doc, my friends & finally prednisone(no pun intended) . Also my rheumy & neurologist(who dx me with dm), but was bit distant from them. Pretty long list I guess but without God's blessings & these people I wouldn't have been the person I am today.
I keep thinking about all these things ,after reading posts on the myositis boards. I feel lucky that I'm doing good now living a normal life. But can never forget the past so easily. Its so conflicting , at times I feel highly inspired by my past when I'm feeling down , while at times reminds me of the nightmares.
Anyhow Cheers for a bright future for everyone. Like they say in the movies , There is always hope!
Ciao n Peace.